Thursday, April 26, 2007


Left for Pilzeň (Prague) at 9:00. Like most things in this country, the Hbf (main train station, Hlavni Nádraží) is dirty and faling apart. Two hours later we got off in Prague and made our way to the National Museum (Národní muzeum) and Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí)

Národní muzeum

Václavské náměstí
Václavské náměstí is one the major squares in Prague and it was here where two university students burned them selves to death to protest the Soviet invasion on Czechoslovakia. The 'velvet revolution' of 1989, which caused the collapse of the Soviet government in Czechoslovakia, also took place here. After the square we headed deeper into the city and saw 3 of the city gates. Eventually made out way into the town square, where I big Easter market was. Attached to a church was an astronomical clock, and lucky enough it was only a few minutes to 12:00. Went for some typical Czech lunch. Small sandwiches with meats, cheese, mayo and/or mustard. Also saw a store selling an interesting type of vodka..only in Europe ;)
Our next stop was the
Karlův most (Charles Bridge). This is one of the best preserved cities in Europe, especially Central/Eastern Europe, as very little damage came upon it during WW II. The Charles bridge is a bridge that connects Alt (Old) and Neu (New) Prague. Along the bridge are 36 saints and other religious icons.

The view from this city of the city is amazing! On the other side of the river is the Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) , Katedrála svatého Víta (St. Vitus Cathedral), and the palace of the president.

Entrance to the palace and Church

Katedrála svatého Víta (St. Vitus Cathedral)
After the castle we walked around the old part of the city, saw a few embassey (India,Belgium, and Poland) then made our way back the Hbf. The train we were on to go back was like the Harry Potter one =D


Headed to Plzeň (Pilsen) today. By car it took us around 2 hours. This city has two major factories here, the ŠKODA car production plant and the Plizeň-Urquhal brewery. The second is what Plzeň is famous for. The city of the original pilsen beer!
Eva has a friend who live here, so we are going to spend the next two days here and use it as out base to go to Prague. When we got all our stuff unpacked we headed downtown for an hour or so. In the main square is the St. Ulrich church, which has the highest bell tower in all of Czech and the 3rd largest Synagogue in the world, 2nd largest in Europe, is located just off the main square. Went for a yummy and very cheap supper.

*I have no camera card got deleted and I only had a handful of pictures on the computer =(

Sunday, April 22, 2007


it was about a 3 1/2 hour drive to the Czech boarder. The German guard doesn't do anything, but the Czech check your passport. It's crazy..there are a tonne of Vietnamese people here who used to live in Germany but got kicked out a few years ago. They have set up hundreds of 'Asian Bazaars' in the boarder towns. Eva's dads house is decent sized and the land is big. Acre or so I would say. After lunch we went for a walk to this old quarry. There is an old Soviet tank at the bottom as well as a car. A few summers back some kids were jumping into it and one never came up..They think it was so cold he went into shock and just sunk. So in total there are about 5-6 dead people in the bottom of it :S
Went to one of the Asian Bazaars. I got 'Saw III' and 'Casino Royal' for €2,00 each and a double CD for another €2,50. I saw some movies there that aren't even out in Canada or Germany. Went to look at this small Hrad (Castle) Vildštejn.


Finally got a chance to sleep in! It's crazy...everyone gets up at 8 or 9 am!!! i was up at 11 though =). Didn't do much during the day. Watched Ice Age II for the second time, but this time it was in English =D Got my packing done and played a few games of 'settler' with Eva and Lukas. Lost everr time =(
Got my SIM card and now just need to register it and my phone will work =D

Friday, April 13, 2007


BLOODY TRAINS! the one going to Augsburg was a 1/2 hour late. by the time we got to school there was only 15 minutes of geography left. Again the train home was we got home about an hour after we should have..
A little before 20:00, Raphi came by the house to pick me up and we went off to lidl's. his house is BIG!! especially for a German one. His room is..about 3/4 of the basement in my house in Canada, he's just missing a bathroom! The party was fun. I knew most of the people there becuase they are in our class, and a few others were new to me. Lidl got a big thing wheatbeer just for me =D Don't really remember going home, but it was a fun night =)


I had gym with my 10's today...Gah! i don't know why I take gym's such a waste to time. Gym is susposed to be fun, but everyone here dreads going to it. So the first 30-40 minutes was just running around the gym..After that the class split into two groups, volleyball and 'football' our team was 30+ to 18ish
the weather today was ok..was cold this morning and started to rain in the afternoon..i want summer!!
Getting my phone tomorrow and going to lidl's birthday party


The Italian students were at our school today, and in Italian we watched a movie about when the Germans went there. i didn't understand most of it, but still got a lot of laughs out of it. The thing that I hate most about this school is that all the bloody sheets on the door that say what class is in this room at this time on this day are all FRIGGEN WRONG!! Some are a year or so no chance of finding my musik class, so I went to physik instead. The teacher did the whole lesson in English just for me =D at times he wanted to use German because it was taking to long to do it in English, but the whole class wanted English. Julia, girl in my 11 class want's me to go to B2, hip-hop club, one of these weekends, so that should be fun =)
Oma and Opa came over for supper today, and brough like 15 pretzels =D =D =D after supper I went and watched MI:1


Becuase the Italian exchange students were in München for the day, with their german partners, we got a double spare =D Lidl, Markus, and my-self walked around the city for an hour then went over to Media mart for a little. Going to get a Nokia 6020, only €75 =)
We are leaving on Sunday for the Czech Rep. =D


Nothing much today..
In my 7A geography class we went to go watch a movie about London, but some of the kids were messing around with the tv and screwed up the tape so we had to go back to class =(
and in 11 English we have started to watch Chicken Run

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Day light savings today so it was an hour ahead =(
After breakfast Eva, kai, Janna, and I went for a walk around the area where the '72 Munich Summer olympic white water rafting course was. Even though the weather is still a little cold there were people out rafting.