Sunday, April 22, 2007


it was about a 3 1/2 hour drive to the Czech boarder. The German guard doesn't do anything, but the Czech check your passport. It's crazy..there are a tonne of Vietnamese people here who used to live in Germany but got kicked out a few years ago. They have set up hundreds of 'Asian Bazaars' in the boarder towns. Eva's dads house is decent sized and the land is big. Acre or so I would say. After lunch we went for a walk to this old quarry. There is an old Soviet tank at the bottom as well as a car. A few summers back some kids were jumping into it and one never came up..They think it was so cold he went into shock and just sunk. So in total there are about 5-6 dead people in the bottom of it :S
Went to one of the Asian Bazaars. I got 'Saw III' and 'Casino Royal' for €2,00 each and a double CD for another €2,50. I saw some movies there that aren't even out in Canada or Germany. Went to look at this small Hrad (Castle) VildÅ¡tejn.

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