Friday, April 13, 2007


The Italian students were at our school today, and in Italian we watched a movie about when the Germans went there. i didn't understand most of it, but still got a lot of laughs out of it. The thing that I hate most about this school is that all the bloody sheets on the door that say what class is in this room at this time on this day are all FRIGGEN WRONG!! Some are a year or so no chance of finding my musik class, so I went to physik instead. The teacher did the whole lesson in English just for me =D at times he wanted to use German because it was taking to long to do it in English, but the whole class wanted English. Julia, girl in my 11 class want's me to go to B2, hip-hop club, one of these weekends, so that should be fun =)
Oma and Opa came over for supper today, and brough like 15 pretzels =D =D =D after supper I went and watched MI:1

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