Monday, May 11, 2009


Typical German breakfast: Bread, jams, meats, cheeses, and some cereal stuff. Nothing special, but good non the less.
Made my way to the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) and then to the Flughafen (airport) to meet the rest of the group. There is about 65 of us so it wasn't too hard to find the group of tired, nervous looking, English speaking people sitting with a bunch of baggage. We had to wait a few hours for all of us to get there and around 2:30 2 buses came to pick us up and off we were to Melsungen, a small village not far from Frankfurt and Kassel. We were to spend 2 days here getting over jet lag, getting to know each other and to get English out of our system, this program ist NUR auf Deutsch! We took over the youth hostel, 4 to a room, and boosted the economy 10 fold! The first day was nothing special. I guess the highlight was buying some beer at the supermarket, drinking by the river, and then going to the pub for many more beers and to mingle with some of the locals. A great start to the program!

*I'll put up pictures when I can...I don't have internet at my gasthaus and need to get some sort of special password for Wi-Fi

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