Friday, March 16, 2007


Just another regular day. Nothing special went on today. Instead of 6 classes we had 8 (Not super sure why....but what ever) Today was my first art class. I was given a big piece of paper/cardboard stuff and was sent off. The teacher didn't tell me what to do (Unless it was in German and I had completely zoned out) so I start my project not knowing really what to do..just looking on other people's papers and AFTER I have started some one comes up and tells me I'm doing it wrong...What ever..I have never been good with art any ways. Lunch we went out for some döners, which I have missed ever so much!
We got home from school around 17.00 and I haven't done much today. I'll work on some Canadian home work and maybe watch a movie.
I'm really looking forward to the weekend though =D
Tomorrow I'm going to ROFA, which is a metal disko, and Laurel, another Canadian, is going to be there so it should be good. And on Saturday a bunch of us are going to go spend the afternoon in München.
Snow on Sunday...

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