Sunday, March 25, 2007


Was woken up around 8:30..and felt like crap! 3ish hours of sleep and my head was a little..Lukas' mother and father were up also, so they could meet me in person =). His cat reminds me of Herman, not AS big but ,), and his dog, kleina, is a big teddy bear! She's a 2 year old Burmese.
We took the train into Regensburg and went for some supper at the mall beside the station. After it, around 9:20, I said I would need my backpack for München today and I hear'...Shit...Oh shit...SHIT!' Lukas forgot the key to the locker at home :/ so he calls his mom to see if she can get here before 9:44, when I left. We meet these two girls who were going to München so I tagged along with them, and saved €10,00..which was good considering I had about €12,00 and needed a ticket home.
So I'm sitting on the train because the train person had blown the whist (saying we were leaving) when out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of person and green. I got out of my seat and was waiting at the door when Lukas came flying down the steps and throws the bag over the train person's head..the door closed like 2 seconds after. It honestly looked like something out of a movie!
So I was sitting with three girls. Two were going to München for school stuff while the other was getting off before. The one gril (from what I could understand) had left all her bags on either the plane or a train way up in Köln and was quit sad/mad etc..and had to carry the rest of her stuff around in a plastic bag.
2 hours later we go into München and we all said our good-byes. I walked around the whole building trying to find the fountain that we were going to meet at. No fountain.. :S so I walk around for 10 min. when I hear my name called, look over and see 4 others =D I go over and there is Colton, Elias, Lee, and Robyn but no Emily..which was a little odd considering her train had gotten in at 10:30, a half hour before the rest of ours. Elias and Robyn took off while us three walked around for another 20 minutes looking for Emily. After a half hour we took off. We were going to take the U-Bahn (Subway) but got lost on the terminal and decided to walk. We found a McDonald's...this biggest one I've ever seen. The first floor is where you buy the food and the next three levels are just sitting..and it was packed. A little gross..but what ever. So we are sitting upstairs eating when Emily comes out of the blue. We were like..wth? What are the odds of this happening..Munich has over 1 million people. I guess she missed her first train so she got here at 11:20, right after I got into the station, and went to find the fountain. She then walked around a little and was about to go home when she decided to check out McDonald's because she remembered someone saying they really wanted some in Munich, and there we were.
After that we made our way down the main street and met up with the other two and did a little shopping, looked around the frauenkirche (Lady's church) then to Marienplatz, the main square in München. The rathaus (City hall) there is this masive gothic building, one of the coolest I've seen. We decided to make our way to the famous Hofbräuhaus but left after they wouldn't serve beer to those under 18, so everyone but my-self ;) So we made our way to another resturant and had some lunch. Went back to Marieplatz and climbed 306 steps to the top of a church and the view was amazing from up there :) though you couldn't see the Alps. Took the U-bahn so we could get some Pizza hut =D then made our way back to the train station
So right after running Emily to her train so she wouldn't miss it I was going back to the main part of the train station cuz i have like 30-40 min. to kill (Train was 15 min. late) and these two guys appear in front of me and one starts yelling 'PAPIER PAPIER!!!' and I'm like... WTF!?? So the first guys keeps asking for it and I get 'that look' on my face and he is like 'passport!!' so I pull out my paper one and the other guy takes it. The first guy pulls out this I.D card and says 'Hast dz das nicht verstanden!!!?', it was some police of the Federal Rep. Of Germ I.D, I'm like'...mein deutsch ist schlecht...' (My German is bad) second guy asks where I come from 'Canada..' and the first guys asks me 'hast du kiffer geraucht!??' (Did you smoke weed)
Well you f*cking stupid cop
A) If I HAD why in this bloody world would I tell you?
B) What the hell makes you think I have?
so of course I said 'nein..warum??' and the second asshole, who had my passport was like'ptf, Warum?? Warum?? Doof(dumb)' and they walked away. I was just happened....
My train was 15 minutes late..and becuase of that I missed my connection train and didn't feel like waiting an had to walk home in the rain =(
Was a good day all around though

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