Monday, March 26, 2007


School took forever!!!! Gym in Germany is friggen lame! It's once a week and it's badly underfunded.. we did jump rope for the first 45 minutes with these ghetto ropes then the other 45 was spent playing basketball, 5 Vs. 5. And because the gym is so small it can only be 2 classes of guys or girls having it. Ours just happens to be Friday after school =(
I had 2 hours to kill before my train to Regensburg, so I rode a few s-bahn's and just wandered around, got 2 beer's for the trip, then set off. (I can't believe how little beer costs...the stuff I get is only €0,69 which is around $1.00 Cdn. I've seen other stuff for as little as €0,29 but I would be scared to try it)
The train ride was only 2 hours and very uneventful. I got to Regensburg (Literally Rain Castle) around 7:00 and had to wait only 10 min. Lukas came, we got some apfelmüse (Apple sauce..for later ;) ) and we went out for supper. I got a döner (Donair) and a Becks while Lukas got fried noodles and also a Becks.
After supper we went to 'The Blue Monkey'. I found this place really neat. Nothing big and a small amount of people but the was age fusion, kinda hard to describe. I got something with vodka, which was very good =D, while Lukas got a Mohieto (spelling?) The place gets it's name from the blue lights it has inside.
The next place we went to was this bar/club that is underground. I actually got I.D'd!! I was what ever, i don't think they know how to read photocopied passports :P There are three levels to this place, each lower than the next. It reminded me somewhat of a cave, but since no friends were there we left. About a 1/2 minute walk from this place was another bar, Zentral, where everyone was. All of Lukas' friends made it obvious they love Canadians =D This one girl was going to write an important English test, so she wanted to practice with me all night. Fair enough. Had this bier, cold, and syrup drink which was yummy but I got challenged to a chugging contest, and naturally I won ;) We stayed for only one drink and we were all off to the 'cave' bar.
It's amazing how much 15 minutes can make. The place was packed, and the vast majority of people on the bottom level knew Lukas. This is when the apfelmüse came in handy. You take a jar of this, three shots of dark tequila, and some cinnamon, mix it all and enjoy =D I my-self am not found of tequila at all..but I could have eaten this entire jar! Had a few weißbiers (wheat beer) and another vodka thing...a Solaris maybe? I think we were there for around 2 hours. Around 1:00 Lukas, Christina, and I headed over to her boyfriend's work and managed to get a free bier each. Said good-bye to those two and Lukas and i headed over to this small rave. I would say we were dancing for about 3 hours straight. It was really gross how sweaty I was...every inch of me was wet..but i had fun doing it =D There were people there that were easily in their mid 40's, it was quit an interesting this to see, I friggen love this country! We left the rave around 3:30 and walked for a 1/2 hour, so we could save some money on the cab. €12,00 later we were finally home =D
We went to bed around 5:00

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