Friday, March 16, 2007


I forgot to mention I saw a transvestite at the train station yesterday..It was around 5 (Had classes in the afternoon) and the train was about to pull in. I was looking at the ground when these high heels caugh my attention. I started to look up and I was liking the very short mini skirt. When it came to the face I looked in horror, and thankfully the train had just arrived, and ran onto the train and burst out laughing. Now I just need to see the skin heads...
This school is so friggen big and it doesn't make any sence!!! Classes are in random places...
so I spent our first 15 min. break trying to find my Spanish class, and after 20 min. I gave up and decided to go into downtown. I love just randomly walking, as you never know what you are going to find. I saw a few amazing churches and statues and did lot's of window shopping. I find this one place that I'm thinking was once the residence of the Bishop or a person high up in the church. It is this big beautful building with an attached church and this amazing little park. It's nice to find these places inside the city, as they are offten rare. But here I felt totally drawn out of the city and it was nice and refreshing. Later tonight I'm going to be going to ROFA, which should be interesing =D
and München tomorrow...Last I heard it's not going to happen =(

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