Monday, March 19, 2007

17.3.2007 Dachau

The KZ (Concentration camp) of Dachau was the first, or one of the first, camps to be built in Germany. Oddly enough it opened only a few weeks after Hitler had come to power (1933) and was used at first, primarily, to hold political prisoners. This camp was the model camp for all other camps that were to be built in occupied Europe.

The entrance to the camp and the infamous words that can be found at all the camps 'Arbeit Macht Frei' which translates into 'work makes freedom/Work will set you free'

This is looking from the entrance out onto the roll-call area. Prisoners would at times have to stand for hours while each person was counted. If someone escaped, they would make then stand longer. If anyone fell it was forbidden to help them, and this is how many of the weak died.

This is a view of where the 30 barracks had once been. All but two are still standing. It was very surreal to touch these trees knowing that 200 000 people have once been confined here.

'Dachau- the significance of the name will never be erased from German history. It stands for all concentration camps which the Nazi's established in their territory'


Allyson said...

Wow. Thanks for posting the pictures far away are you from Dachau?

Jordan said...

By car we are hour or so. Thats the time time from merching to münchen, but by train it's only a half hour.

Memory Junction said...

Very powerful pictures and commentary Jordo... It kinda makes it all real hey? It wasn't just something that happened in the history books... thanks for posting! {{{hugs}}}