Sunday, March 25, 2007


The weather hear sucks at the moment. It will snow a tonne then get really sunny and everything will melt, but later that day it will start to rain snow and the process starts over again..
Nothing special at school today..just had to wait 20 min. for a bloody S-Bahn (Street Car) to come!
After school I got picked up by some family friends and we made out way to München as we were going to the BMW production plant located there. For supper we went to Pizza Hut =D, which has free refills on pop!!! Which is almost unheard of in Germany, then crossed the street to the plant. The BMW cooperate tower is a very cool looking building. Because of it's size it can be seen from a distance and it is located right next the the Olympic (Summer '72) grounds.

Because of 'Industrial Espionage' no cameras or phones or such were allowed in, so no pictures =(
The tour was all in German but my 'dad',Kai, did some translating for me. We saw the start of a car, basically a cylinder of rolled metal that gets stamped out into different parts, welding the parts together, painting + heating (makes it shiny and rust resistant etc...), assembly of the motor, putting the car and motor together, adding the wires, seats, windows, and most importantly...putting the BMW logo on. The very last part is the testing of the car to make sure it works and doing speed tests. The majority of the first 1/2 is done by robots white the other 1/2 is done more by hand. This plant produces all of the Model 3 car's in the world. And I also learned what the BMW symbol is:
The Bavarian Sky (Blue and White) as seen from behind a plane propeller (Before WW I then made plane engines, then after WW II they switched to cars)

It won't let me rotate it =(

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