Sunday, May 27, 2007


We didn't have Sports today, which is fine by me =)
Markus, Nadia, and my-self went to the 'See' today and met up with a bunch of friend, the usual. This time thouhg it was a BIG group of people. Probz close Didn't know most of them, so I just hung around mainly with the ones I do know. It eventually died off and when we went to backpack was gone...!!
Eva and Kai leave tomorrow for a motorbike trip to Czech Rep.


So Anthony was able to change my flight from the 30th to the 9th of June.
The problem was: My host family had booked a package deal thing for Malta (Tiny island country south of Sicily) for our last holidays (2 weeks at the end of May start of June) They could have gotten rid of the plane ticket, but the cost of the hotel package would have been €700 and they wanted to be re-imbursed for that if I couldn't make it.
But I feel kinda bad because I know how much Mom wanted to see me at Grad =(


Kinda really angepissed. I was playing around with my camera and I was seeing how much room was left on my one card (Had over 800 pics and that had only taken up 1.6 Gb) and I though I clicked the 'Make your pictures smaller so it saves room' but actually it was really 'Do you want to format your card *and loose all the pics and videos you haven't yet put on your computer*' and I said yes and ....
Damn thing didn't even say 'Are you really sure you want to REFORMAT your card and LOOSE all the pics that you haven't yet saved onto the computer' option =(
So..400 Pics from the Czech Repbulic are gone plus 300ish pics from the first 1 1/2 months

21.4.2007 Festung Hohensalzburg

Had such a crappy sleep =(
So we headed off to Salzburg, Austria for the day. Meet the others at the München Hbf and then took a train together East. There was a lady sitting in the other seat from me and she just so happened to be an English teacher, has family in Toronto, and teaches in my city!
Got to Salzburg and Jee and Lee met us. Walked around for the first hour or so and didn't really see much..The girls were more interested in going shopping and the worst part was they were shopping at stores we have back in Canada! So I got fed up with it and said I was going to leave to actually go see the city and none of them seemed to really care less so I took off.
The old part of Salzburg is amazing! You turn this corner and there is this castle perched on a hill with the Alps right behind it The first place I saw, ironicly, was the main shopping street. Along this street is also the house of where Motzart was born and had lived for a few years. It's a small meseum and I checked it out. After that I went to the Rezidence house, Uni, and the Cathederal. After all this I finally went up to the castle. Festung Hohensalzburg (Festung is the hill. High Salt Castle) is one of the largest castles in Europe. The view from up there is amazing as well. It gives a great view of the whole city, and again you have the Alps right behind you.


I got excused from Sports class (Gott seid Dank-->Thank-God) so I could meet Emily at the Train station, even though she didn't come for another 1 1/2 hours =). Went to the bookstore and got 'The godfather' then went to the Hbf. We quickly saw the Rathaus (townhall) and the shopping area around there. Emily bought 2 pairs of shoes about 5 minutes apart...women!
Went to the Augsburg Zoo for a few hours then headed back home to Merching.
We went to the '5 minuten See' today. Somebody had the bright idea of putting a 6 foot dead pine tree straight up in the fire..and the person who owns the lake just so happened to be beside us when the tree went up...he got mad and wanted our phone numbers in case the place wasn't clean in the morning. You could get rich off the number of bottles that get left there by all the groups of people!


After school Jonas and my-self went to this big park behind the Kongresshalle and I got to meet a few of his friends. Talked for an hour or so and played some hackey sack then the two of us went off to meet Doonie at the theatres. We went to see '300'. It was an awesome movie, lot's og gore and all that good stuff, but it was in German but there isn#t too mucht alking so it was easy to follow.


Went to Lansburg today. This is the city where hitler was put in jail for some time in the 1920's, but there isn't anything here. This was also a big Nazi city after Hitler came to power and there is a giant hill in teh centre that used to be a bomb shelter but is now a parking garage.
Eva said it's her favourite city to visit, as it's modeled after a typical Italian city. Got some ice cream and spent an hour walking around.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


My neck is KILLING me from all that headbanging last night =( I have to turn my whole body if I want to look behind my-self. The morning was spent like most mornings, suntanning and reading. In the afternoon, Janna, Lukas, and my-self went to some mini carnival in Augsburg (No idea how to spell it) It's like a very very tiny Stampede without the whole Western theme. Went on a few rides and and checked out the other places and headed home. On the way home we got bitched at by some lady on the train because out music was too loud..what ever.
Started to watch 'Casino Royal' and went on the comp for a while, but was disappointed when none of my friends were on =(


Other than sitting in the sun reading and doing work, I did jack all =)
So today we went to ROFA. I was a little :S cuz from what I've heard it's a death/Heavy metal place, but i actually had an awesome time! met a few people at the Mering Bahnhof and headed to Augsburg. It was a little quiet at first, cuz the DJ's weren't there, but it soon picked up. The cheapest, and best tasing beer there, was MacMallows, €2,80 for 2. After a bit of sitting, we all headed onto the floor. The musik wans't that bad, a nice mix of everything:
Heavy/Death metal, Goth, RHCP, Green Day, Rammstein, Billy Tallent etc etc..
We had to leave at 23:30 cuz everyone is under 18, so they can't be out past 00:00, suckers :P


Are slopping on suncream I spent a good 2 1/2 hours reading out in the sun. My burns have now turned into a nice brown =)
Janna and I went into the city to do some shopping at the 'City Galerie', basically a big mall. I made the mistake though of wering flip-flops and I got some blisters by the end of the day. I got another pair of long shorts (Kurtze hosen)


Totally loving the weather! I spent only a little while outside reading and I'm sunburtn =(
So we went to the '5 minuten see' around 16:00 and waited and waited and waited..Raphi came around 18:15 and the 2 of us went to Mering to get some stuff for grilling. We ended up at MacDonals, thankfully. Around 20:00 the rest arrived. Phili, Maly, and Tina were really the only ones I knew at first, but I got to know most of the others as the night went on. On of the guys there, Toby, had spent a year on Van island for an exahcnge. Wish I could do a year here =( On the way home Markus somehow ran into a pole on his was some VERY funny stuff!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Packed up and headed home today. Markus left a few days earlier, so there was a lot more room in the back. At the boarder I got a stamp in my passport from the Czech and at the German boarder we got suspicious looks from the guard there. Thankfully though he didn't make us empty out the whole car and search through all our stuff. I'm sure Eva knowing Czech helped lot's with that.
In Friedburg we stooped for some ice cream and got home 20 minutes later.


Nothing much during the day. Watched a little TV and played a few more hands of Rummi. Starting to get the hand of it =)
Later in the day, Eva, her dad, Janna, and I went for a walk in the forest behind the house. This place is close enough to the German boarder, that I was in Germany for a few minutes. There were a couple of small villages around this area, but during the DDR times they got demolished because they were too close to the E. German boarder.


The day started off with an Easter Egg Hunt in the massive garden. I'd say it took us almost 2 hours, and we still were missing a few eggs. I though for sure that I had won..but I was actually last with 24 things of chocolate. Other than that we had a very relaxed day and played a bit of rummi, and i actually won ome hands! =D


We went to drop Janna off at the farm she rides at and I found a few interesting things. There were a few Ostriches and an Emu. I guess some people drooped them off a while back and no one came back for them, so they decided to keep them.
Kai and I went into Cheb for an hour or so. A general from the 30 years war was killed while sleeping in a house in the town square here. At the castle there was a kids fest going on so the place was overflowing with kids. Nothing big and overly impressive, but it's still a castle =) We were heading back to our car and saw a little surprise..a 'Denver Boot' The boot clamps tha make it so you can't drive away. We fodund the cops who put it on and we were told that it would cost 2 000 Czech crowns (€60). Kai didn't have enough on him and told the cops that Eva could come with the rest but that would take 30-40 minutes. So the cops said how much do you have? Pulls out 1 000 Czech and the cops said that was good enough, took it off and we were gone. We went to check out a small caslte on the way home, but it was closed.
Czech Easter tomorrow =)


Didn't do a whole lot today. I went back to Františkovy Lázně. I wa going to get some of that special water, but it was closed..don't know why =( Walked around for an hour, got some poastcards and some Easter Eggs and we headed home. Kai came today with his motorcycle

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Went and looked around this small mall in Pilsen. I got my-self a soduko book for the road. So on our way home, and we are passing through this small village. there was this little kid standing beside his house and he threw a rock at the windshield as we were passing by and hit it. Wasn't that big of a rock, but it made a friggen big dent. Well..needless to say, Eva was a little pissed about it..especially since they are thinking of selling the car right away.
Later that day, after we had got back, we went to Františkovy Lázně (Frances bad). This place has water that is supposed to have very good healing qualities, so there a lot's of old German people here, as it's very close to the boarder. It reminds me a bit of an old colonial town, everything is very bright colours and very clean and set out in a certain way, unlike the random jumble of buildings most European cities look like.


Oh the trains are a little ghettoish in Czech Rep. To 'flush' this toilet there is a little lever on the ground that you step on and that white light would be the track below ^^

Walking down Václavské square I saw this poster. It's for 'Sensation White' the biggest indoor Electronic event in the world! There are 2, Sensation white and black. When you go to either you dress in complete white or black. I'll eventually go to one of these =D

We were on our way to the Jewish quarter and I noticed this on a building...the design looks like a bunch of Swastikas!

Because of Passover, all the Jewish buildings were closed for 2 days, which was a bit of a shame =(. Beside the old Jewish cemetery was this poor car...

Before leaving Prague to go back we went to the Museum of Communism. Was a really interesting museum to see. I think what made this whole trip even better was the fact that Eva grew up here and had a bunch of little side comments to go along with what this museum said.