Thursday, May 10, 2007


Totally loving the weather! I spent only a little while outside reading and I'm sunburtn =(
So we went to the '5 minuten see' around 16:00 and waited and waited and waited..Raphi came around 18:15 and the 2 of us went to Mering to get some stuff for grilling. We ended up at MacDonals, thankfully. Around 20:00 the rest arrived. Phili, Maly, and Tina were really the only ones I knew at first, but I got to know most of the others as the night went on. On of the guys there, Toby, had spent a year on Van island for an exahcnge. Wish I could do a year here =( On the way home Markus somehow ran into a pole on his was some VERY funny stuff!

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