Wednesday, May 9, 2007


We went to drop Janna off at the farm she rides at and I found a few interesting things. There were a few Ostriches and an Emu. I guess some people drooped them off a while back and no one came back for them, so they decided to keep them.
Kai and I went into Cheb for an hour or so. A general from the 30 years war was killed while sleeping in a house in the town square here. At the castle there was a kids fest going on so the place was overflowing with kids. Nothing big and overly impressive, but it's still a castle =) We were heading back to our car and saw a little surprise..a 'Denver Boot' The boot clamps tha make it so you can't drive away. We fodund the cops who put it on and we were told that it would cost 2 000 Czech crowns (€60). Kai didn't have enough on him and told the cops that Eva could come with the rest but that would take 30-40 minutes. So the cops said how much do you have? Pulls out 1 000 Czech and the cops said that was good enough, took it off and we were gone. We went to check out a small caslte on the way home, but it was closed.
Czech Easter tomorrow =)

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