Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Went and looked around this small mall in Pilsen. I got my-self a soduko book for the road. So on our way home, and we are passing through this small village. there was this little kid standing beside his house and he threw a rock at the windshield as we were passing by and hit it. Wasn't that big of a rock, but it made a friggen big dent. Well..needless to say, Eva was a little pissed about it..especially since they are thinking of selling the car right away.
Later that day, after we had got back, we went to Františkovy Lázně (Frances bad). This place has water that is supposed to have very good healing qualities, so there a lot's of old German people here, as it's very close to the boarder. It reminds me a bit of an old colonial town, everything is very bright colours and very clean and set out in a certain way, unlike the random jumble of buildings most European cities look like.

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