Thursday, May 10, 2007


Other than sitting in the sun reading and doing work, I did jack all =)
So today we went to ROFA. I was a little :S cuz from what I've heard it's a death/Heavy metal place, but i actually had an awesome time! met a few people at the Mering Bahnhof and headed to Augsburg. It was a little quiet at first, cuz the DJ's weren't there, but it soon picked up. The cheapest, and best tasing beer there, was MacMallows, €2,80 for 2. After a bit of sitting, we all headed onto the floor. The musik wans't that bad, a nice mix of everything:
Heavy/Death metal, Goth, RHCP, Green Day, Rammstein, Billy Tallent etc etc..
We had to leave at 23:30 cuz everyone is under 18, so they can't be out past 00:00, suckers :P

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