Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Oh the trains are a little ghettoish in Czech Rep. To 'flush' this toilet there is a little lever on the ground that you step on and that white light would be the track below ^^

Walking down Václavské square I saw this poster. It's for 'Sensation White' the biggest indoor Electronic event in the world! There are 2, Sensation white and black. When you go to either you dress in complete white or black. I'll eventually go to one of these =D

We were on our way to the Jewish quarter and I noticed this on a building...the design looks like a bunch of Swastikas!

Because of Passover, all the Jewish buildings were closed for 2 days, which was a bit of a shame =(. Beside the old Jewish cemetery was this poor car...

Before leaving Prague to go back we went to the Museum of Communism. Was a really interesting museum to see. I think what made this whole trip even better was the fact that Eva grew up here and had a bunch of little side comments to go along with what this museum said.

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