Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Today was the same old same old.
Left for the train station (In Merin it's a single track with a shelter and a ticket machine...great Banhhof ;) ) got to Augsburg and walked to school.

So far all my French classes have actually been Italien, and the only word I have understood is gelato. So I went to my 'french' class and the teacher told me it would be a waste of time becuase they were writing a test, so instead I went into the city (downtown) for just under 2 hours. I love walking through all the narrow streets and just looking at all the good stuff they have over here. So I came back for my last two class, Latin and Spanish. Because my Latin is all but 2 words I got to play around on the computer while everyone else did some work =D. Spanish....oh god. I was a little late for class becuase I had no idea where it was (basement in some dark corner) and Anna was with me, showing me were it was, and the teacher kicked me out of class even before I got a chance to sit down. She was freaking out becuae we were late and some other reason, I didn't understand. She then starting to ask me stuff in Spanish, while going faster than she was in German. So to make it short I had no clue what so ever what she was saying, so she cloesed the door in our face and that was that. i ended up going to a lower level Spanish class =D
Going home was a nightmare..For what ever reason the train wasn't running to Mering/Merching to day so we had to take the bus. Mering is only...15-20ish Km from Augsburg but this bus, jamed in like sardines, went through 6 different villages before finally getting to Merching, 1 1/2 hours later :/
I went for a walk later that day with Eva and the dog and watched Borat later that night =D


Anonymous said...

Hey Jordan!! I hope you're having an awesome time in Germany :D make it a trip to remember!

Memory Junction said...

Geez Jord... not sounding like the educational aspect is off to a rip roaring start! LOL!

Have fun bud! Can't wait to read about all your adventures!

P.S. Don't forget your mom is reading this too! HI ALLY! ;o)